The directors are two brothers who both qualified as mechanical engineers. We had a goal of owning our own company. Through the years we made plans of how to start up our business.
Early in 2016, action was put to the dream and we purchased the first equipment to start the business with. We have a computer numerical controlled (C.N.C.) plasma cutting machine (4m x 2m bed), 30 ton press brake and welding equipment.
We have several years’ experience within the engineering profession specifically in equipment design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning. We also have a number of years experience in agriculture and the equipment used in today’s high precision intensive farming practices.
It is of utter importance to us to provide excellent products and services to our clients that we are proud of. We strongly believe in easy business where we ensure we understand the needs of our clients.
Wie is ons:
Die direkteure is twee broers wat albei as meganiese ingenieurs gegradueer het. Ons het ‘n doel voor oë gehad om ons eie besigheid te begin en ons vaardigheid uit te leef.
Vroeg in 2016 het ons droom vorm begin aanneem toe ons die eerste toerusting begin koop het. Ons beskik oor ‘n rekenaar beheerde plasma snyer met ‘n 4m x 2m bed, ‘n 30ton buig masjien en sweis toerusting.
Ons het ‘n hele aantal jare ondervinding in die ingenieurs professie spesifiek in masjien ontwerp, vervaardiging, installasie en in gebruik stelling. Ons is ook ervare in landbou en die toerusting wat in die hedendaagse hoë presisie landbou praktyke gebruik word.
Dit is van uiterste belang vir ons om voortreflike produkte en dienste waarop ons trots is te lewer aan ons kliënte. Ons stel dit ten doel om maklike besigheid te doen waar ons verseker ons verstaan die behoeftes van ons kliënte.